
Let's try this again. A blog for fitness tips and crafts.

 I have decided (months after the pandemic when I should have done this) to start giving fitness tips and ideas.  I've been a personal trainer for 18 years and have worked with a vast amount of clientele.  From athletes to post surgery recovery.  I have also decided to open a craft business as a hobby.  I have an etsy shop PlanetTiff, that I am just starting go list products.  


Weight loss then and now

This is me then.  As you can see I am eyeballing those cupcakes something fierce.  Sadly I can't remember what flavor they were, or even if they were any good.  My love-handles and inner thighs, however, remembered them quite well.  In fact, those cupcakes hung around for a while joined by many, many friends.  Krispy Creme doughnuts were especially close friends.

This is me now.  I'm the short one on the right.  Although, if I could get away with lying, I would say I was one of the other two.  Probably my sister since she's noticeably taller.  (I envy her 5'2 stature)  If you look at the picture above, you can see how hard it is for a short person to hide those few....dozen extra pounds.  Not even Spanx can help.

Speaking of the magical product that is Spanx, I learned the hard way that you cannot cheat and go a size smaller.  Unless, of course, you have no problem being slowly suffocated by a lycra/spandex combination.  My near death girdle experience has actually helped me as a Pilate's instructor.  My class, particularly the men, love it when I tell them my too small Spanx story.  (complete with the drama of getting out of the Spanx.  FYI, water does NOT help in a lycra/spandex emergency.  I repeat, water is VERY bad, especially if you are trying to get OUT of your lycra/spandex prison.)

Back to the gripping weight loss story.  A family health crisis made me realize how important my health really was.  I made up my mind that I was really ready to change (the first and most vital step) and so I called my sister, who is a personal trainer, for some much needed help.  For three months she was known in my home as 'she who inflicts much pain' or, on those days I hurt so bad I had to use the bathroom door frame to hoist myself from the toilet, the sister who I swear is trying to kill me.  (bless her masochistic little heart)  I would love to say that I saw instant results, but I didn't.  I mean, I did, but not the ones I was looking for.  This sister of mine failed to mention that sweat = acne, and lots of it.  It was three months before I saw any weight loss results, lots and lots of pimples, but nothing in the way of having less of me.  BUT, thanks to my sister, I did not blow three months of hard work.  I could always call her knowing she could talk me through the frustration.  A big part of it was that I trusted her completely, so I did hold on.  (to this day I don't know how that trust was built.  This is the same sister who used to put me in the trailer behind our riding lawn mower and 'forget' to put the pin in.  She would then ride over the biggest bump in our yard, where the trailer would come loose and jerk so hard I would fly into the back of it with a terrific thump.  My sister would then laugh, I would cry, she would apologize and promise to never do it again, I'd believe her and stupidly get back in the trailer where she would, in fact, 'forget' to put the pin in again.  As you can see, I was an incredibly brilliant child.)

So the moral of the post is, some kids just never learn, exercise will cause you to break out, and it is possible for anyone, even someone daring enough to pit water against the mighty Spanx, to succeeded in their weight loss or fitness goals.  Truly, if I, who owns and resides on Planet Tiff, can do it, anyone can.


It's time to diet!

It is a brand spanking new year and, as such, the season of resolutions.  A lot of people make resolutions, but not many keep them.  I myself have an astonishing three day resolution record and that was only because I was sick in bed.  I blew this year's resolution two hours into the new year.  I vowed that I would stop saying the word 'okay' all the time.  Mainly because it makes me sound like an old, valley-girl, cheerleader wanna-be as well as being incredibly annoying.  (Being able to annoy yourself is a unique talent and as it happens I have that talent in abundance.)  The point I'm trying to get to is this,  many people make many resolutions. 

So here is where it gets real.  Most people resolute( it's my blog, I am allowed to make up and misuse words as much as I like) to lose weight and get in shape.  Most of these people will not make it to the end of January.  Why?  Because Hershey's, Cadbury, and the makers of M&M's somehow make their chocolaty goodness addicting.  I can think of no other rational explanation.  Why else would someone, not me of course, but someone, eat an entire bag of M&M's in one night?  Why I ask you?

Through hard earned experience, I have learned some very valuable keys for effective and lasting weight loss.  The first is very simple, don't eat an entire bag of M&M's yourself.  Second, the use of a pedometer can be a great asset.  A very great asset indeed.....if you remember to put it on.  This is very important because it is impossible to pad your pedometer numbers.  (not that I've tried)  Third, and the last for tonight, use a scale.  Mine is an excellent prop for some unstable shelving.  It is just the right height and very sturdy.  Using these three simple tips lasting and effective weight loss can and is achievable.  Okay?